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"I remember those dreams, those fearless inhibitions, my exploratory nature, the thrill of taking a dare, and doing my best dance moves with no shame...until somebody laughed, or frowned, or didn't value me.  But, that hopeful girl still lives deep inside of me and I won't stop until she is fully unleashed as I liberate others along the way."  


Tracy L. Williams, Founder and CEO

Ellephant Parade                                     

Ellephant Parade Unleashes

The Power of Matriarchs

We Believe In. We Uplift. We Sponsor.

We Understand Women Leaders. We Align to Purpose.

Extreme pressure and heat create diamonds.  Just like diamonds, high quality women leaders exude skill, social emotional intelligence, and values developed through adversity.  Some of these women leaders can be described as diamonds in the rough and some are extremely refined.  These matriarchs are of high quality and shine because they are growing or have grown through some of life’s greatest pressures.

High quality requires low maintenance, but careful attention.  Most women leaders of high-quality are efficient and lead effortlessly because of the multifaceted nature in which they develop and lead.  In many ways, they go unnoticed because this process of development doesn’t take place in one conventional way.  Unlike a cheap perfume or a loud yellow shirt, they are often overlooked.  Why? Because these qualities are as deep as diamonds are in the earth. 

Businesses, families, and communities benefit from these matriarchs, but are unwilling to go beneath the surface and unearth these women leaders.  They shine, but no one person or entity can claim that they developed them.  This may be why so many of these women are misunderstood, underestimated, and cheapened.  Requiring little maintenance, these high-quality women are often starved of the investment and care necessary for them to thrive and shine.  Uplifting others is part of their leadership DNA. These matriarchs have the core ability to endure and to serve others. 

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